Premachi Goshta Marathi Movie Cast,Crew,Photos,Story

Full Cast & Crew

  • Sandesh Naik

    khup chhan movie ahe and script pan khup real ahe. Thanks to team of PREMACHI GOSHT and specially Atul, Satish and Sagrika la. SAGRIKA khup SUNDER diste !
    i like movei very much !

  • Sandesh Naik

    PREMACHI GOSHT khup chhan movie ahe.
    thanks to team of PREMACHI GOSHT
    Speciall thanks to Satish, Atul and :Sagrika………

  • dr hemant sant

    Great movie based on script well written that HE She does NOT deserve any mention on main screen views at all! jai marathi new gen next cinema too!”mee and m ine” film..rajwade ji..sudhara jara!share honors..esp in a film all about script writing creativity and genius of it all!! Unlearn..

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