He Man Baware Marathi Serial

He Man Baware – Colors Marathi Serial2018

Full Cast & Crew

  • DirectorMandarr Devsthali
  • Producer Anushka Mandarr Devsthali
  • MusicianShailendra Barve
  • CinematographerHrishikesh Mudrale
Film Editor
  • Film EditorDinesh Chandrakant Potdar
  • Film EditorAbhishek Musale
  • Film EditorNeha Tari

    Co-Editor /Online-Editor

  • Film EditorRaju Khadye

    Co-Editor /Online-Editor

Art Director
  • Art DirectorSanjay Pawar
Costume Designer
  • Costume DesignerSantosh Gawade
Makeup Department
  • Makeup DepartmentKamlesh Parab
Sound Department
  • Sound DepartmentShivraj Chabra
  • Sound DepartmentMahesh Hegade
Other Crew
  • Other Crew Vinayak Adivrekae

    Production Manager

  • Other Crew Sunil Kulkarni

    Production Manager

  • Other CrewSatish Balasaheb Aavhad

    Production Assistance

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