Sachin Pilgaonkar and Gajendra Ahire Unite for Sohala

MarathiStars Blog

Sachin Pilgaonkar and Gajendra Ahire Unite for Sohala

‘Sohala’ is an upcoming Marathi film that has united many senior artists & filmmakers together. ‘Sohala’ stars popular actor-singer-filmmaker Sachin Pilgaonkar & is directed by Gajendra Ahire. This film is presented by a big name in Hindi film industry K.C. Bokadia, while the producers of the film are Sohan Bokadia & Suresh Gundecha.

The film also stars senior actor Vikram Gokhale, Shilpa Tulaskar, Mohan Joshi, Lokesh Gupte & Bharat Ganeshpure. The film’s subject deals with the modern day micro families. It also speaks about the change in today’s relationships.

Sachin Pilagaonkar says the story of the film is hidden in its title ‘Sohala’ itself. This is a ‘Sohala’ of human relationships! The music of the film is given by composer Narendra Bhide & the choreography of songs in the film is done by Phulwa Khamkar. Soon the film will release in theatres for the audience to experience it!

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