Prarthana to Crack The ‘Fugay’s between Swwapnil-Subodh!

MarathiStars Blog

Prarthana to Crack The ‘Fugay’s between Swwapnil-Subodh!

Upcoming Marathi film ‘Fugay’ starring Swwapnil Joshi & Subodh Bhave is currently the hot topic of discussions. The film celebrates bromance between friends who visit Goa to have fun! However everyone was eagerly awaiting to know if there’s a heroine in this film. And now finally the cat is out of the bag! Yes there’s one beautiful actress to act as a barrier between Swwapnil-Subodh & she is none other than ‘Mitwa’ girl Prarthana Behere!

Swapnil Joshi & Prarthana Behare - Fugay Movie

Prarthan portrays a typical over possessive dominating girlfriend of Swwapnil in this film. She keeps trying her best to break Swwapnil’s bond with his friend Subodh! Prarthana’s character is named as ‘Jaai Hardikar’ & it will be interesting to see what fun she brings to the film!Prarthana Behare Photos

The tagline of the film is ‘Premachi backstory’ & the film puts light on the current scenario of young generation who have to struggle to strike a balance between their love & friendship. This dilemma can make their lives really difficult & the ‘Fugay’ shows this scenario in a light hearted fun way.

‘Fugay’ is produced by STV Networks, Anuradha Joshi & is presented by Inder Raj Kapoor, co-produced by Arjun Singgh Baran and Kartik Nishandar. Swapna Waghmare-Joshi has directed this unique fun ride which is set to release on 2nd December!

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