Muharat of ‘Lochya Online’ held with Urmila Dhangar’s song recording

MarathiStars Blog

Muharat of ‘Lochya Online’ held with Urmila Dhangar’s song recording

The muhurat of Shubir Mukherjee Productions and director Ramesh Chavan’s ‘Locha Online’ was held with a song sung by Urmilla Dhangar at the LM Studios at Andheri . The song was written by Mangesh Kankne and composed by AV Prafull chand . The film talks about how young people are addicted to various social networks like the internet and facebook etc and how it harms the netizens and gives rise to various problems. The film is written and directed by Ramesh Chavan and the dialogues are by Sharad Joshi and the DOP is Arvind Pawar.

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