Ramat Ravan Marathi Movie Cast & Crew Story Photos

      Ramat Ravan
      Ramat Ravan
      • This movie is about a common man called Raghav, who is from middle class family. We always heard about the tortures or rapes happened to women but have you ever heard that these things can happened with man also? What if it is reality? Exactly this is what happens with Raghav. His childhood gets spoiled because of his mother. He tries to come out of sorrow & then his girlfriend messes his young age. He then makes up his mind & tries to concentrate on his career but there too he meets with the girl who destroys his career as well. Lastly, he is left with his clean character (Ijjat) but 4th girl comes in his life who attacks on his character. After facing all these things one by one, Ravan gets awake from Ram…& then starts the series of murder…

        Is it right to take law in hand & kill the woman?
        Dose Raghav feels guilty?
        Dose his anger for women goes away?
        Dose he gets his true love?

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                • rampat marathi cast, raavan serial raavan sena, rampat marathi movie cast, rumpat marathi couple, rampat movie marathi cast,
                              • User Reviews
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                              1 Comment
                              • raghav

                                Ramat Ravan is a must watch film. i’ll give 4 stars. nice songs. Kailas Kini has done a fab job. from where can I get his wallpapers. please send his wall papers on my Email. Best of luck RR. & kailash i’ve become a huge fan of urs. gud going.

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