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Nanda Saukhya Bhare – Zee Marathi Serial

Nanda Saukhya Bhare – Zee Marathi Serial

        Nanda Saukhyabhare
        Nanda Saukhyabhare
        Cast & Crew
        • CastRutuja Bagwe
        • CastSuhas Praranjpe
        • CastChinmay Udgirkar
        • DirectorVaibhav Chinchalkar
        • ProducerAdesh Bandekar
        • ProducerSuchitra Bandekar
        • The story is about Swanandi Deshpande, a strong willed and honest girl. Swanandi hates lies and believes in living truthfully. Contrary to this, LalitaJahangirdar is a shrewd and cunning woman who uses manipulative ways and cons peopleinto getting her work done. When Lalita seeks a suitable daughter in law for her son Neel, Vacchiaatya willingly steps forward to help her with her search. In this process Lalita terribly insults Vacchi and Vacchi decides to now find her a ‘perfect’ daughter in law who would break Lalita’s ego.
          Now begins the drama where Vacchi starts manipulating Lalita into liking Swanandi. Vacchi is determined that Swanandi is the perfect match for someone like Lalita. Only she can fix Lalita’s egos. Vacchi weaves a web of situations wherein Lalita finds no escape and ends up marrying Neel to Swanandi.
          Swanandi, who loves to live life in a sweet and simple manner is married into a family whose sole foundation is made of lies. On every step she faces lies in all forms however she resolves every problem honestly and in all conscience. Consequently truth wins, and so does Swanandi. But in the process of defeating lies, her in-laws are not defeated. As a matter of fact she wins the hearts of her in-laws. While she is living her responsibilities as a daughter-in-law, nowhere does she appear ‘idealistic’ but she plays the situation with “Birbal’s Cleverness”.

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                • Taglines
                  • Nanda s, Bhare acter name, nanda saukhya bhare vast, Nanda sarkhya bhare cast and crew, nanda saukhya bhare serial full cast, Nanda sukhya bhare sireal all actors name, swanandi charactor of marathi serial, character photos of nanada saukh bhare, nanda saukhya bhare female actor, What is name of Nanda saukhya bhare, nanda saukhya bhare serial cast, झी मराठी serial cast स्वानंदी, nanda saukhya bhare swanandi sister, nanda saukhya bhare serials hero name, vacchhi maushi,
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