Love Is Vaat Marathi Movie

Love Is Vaat Marathi Movie

        Love Is Vaat
        Love Is Vaat
        Cast & Crew
        • CastAmit Bhanushali
        • CastPritam kagne
        • CastVijay Chavan
        • DirectorTanveer Singh
        • In this genre of comedy films Love is Vaat comes with a simple Love Story about a couple who fall in Love but break up due to some misunderstandings.
          Are misunderstandings enough to break up a couple in love or does love run deeper to overcome misunderstandings. Also do families, friends and others in and around us change our thinking because of their greater hold over us or is true Love able to withstand all of them and claim the final victory.
          Watch a present time based Love story of the youth etched in the backdrop of the city with sweet and hummable music in Love is Vaat.
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