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Honaar Suun Mee Hyaa Gharchi Zee Marathi Serial Cast

Honaar Suun Mee Hyaa Gharchi Zee Marathi Serial Cast

        Honaar Suun Mee Hyaa Gharchi
        Honaar Suun Mee Hyaa Gharchi
        Cast & Crew
        • CastShashank Ketkar
        • CastTejashree Pradhan
        • CastRohini Hattangadi
        • DirectorNA
        • ProducerNA
        • Keywords
          • Genres
            • Release Date
            • Languages
              • Countries
                • Taglines
                  • zee marati honar sun mi ya garchi, Honar sun mi hya gharchi images, starcast of honar me suun hyaa gharchi marathi serial, Honar Sun Me Hya Gharchi cast, honar sun mi hya gharchi, honar soon me hey ghrchi105, honar sun hya gharchi sereal, honar sun mi hya gharchi all cast, honar sun me hya gharachi cast, Honar sun me ya gharche real name, honar soon mi ya gharchi carecter, honar sun hya gharchi episodes52, honar sun mi ya gharchi show timing, होणार सुन मी ह्या घरची actress, honar sun mi hya gharchi cast,
                                • User Reviews
                                • IMDb Rating
                                • DEVENDRA

                                  BEST LUCK AND KEEP IT UP

                                • Vinayak

                                  Each zabbaarrdast………

                                • Jyoti

                                  Now these days U R not playing title song of the serial please restart playing title song before starting the episode of Honar sun me thanks

                                • Ajitesh

                                  Je kathin ahe te sope Karav
                                  I want this song..

                                • Ajit Banavalikar

                                  Honar Suun Me hya serialmadhil sarvach kalakar chhaan ahet agadi Anil Apte suddha apali chaap sodto ani asha veli Digdarshakane Mama he eak boring patra anun kay milavale ? To vinodi nahi tar Acharat ahe. Konkanatil Dashavtari Natkamadhil Sankasur pan etka acharatpana karit nahi. kadi serial lokpriya jhali ke Digdarshakachya dokyat hava jate ani to bharkatat jato hyache uttam udaharan mhanje ha mama

                                • KAMBLE SHWETA

                                  Honaar suun mee hyaa gharchi “s title playing song before starting..we are so good i m big fan a Shrre good luck both of you

                                • Jyoti

                                  Honaar sun me ya Gharchi serial was going so good before the entry of her mama. why it was necessary to put this kind of character. we thought after his zoal-zal in purchase of ornaments Janhavi or her father will come to know this & they will take correct action but it went more and he theft her neckless given by aaji in front of everyone this is un-digestible. now every one from my family lost the interest of watching this serial. Now days no body is such a big full that paying such a big bill for ornaments nobody talks for it. Otherwise those ladies ( 6 mothers) talk so much but about this they don’t and Aaji otherwise is very caring for shree now why didn’t she spoke with Janhavi and why she don’t want to do khara / khota. please correct the situation we loved this serial so much and want to continue. most of the people has the same opinion like us.

                                • narayan

                                  The director / story writer – lost the control over the serial, only looking at the TRP they want to increase the number of episode – Exit declared by Rohini Hattangadi – is a good decision, The serial was doing so good – however – introducing – MAMA – looks like [ after visiting temple – directly you or on the “Ukirda ” ] Even in the families of the criminals – they do not behave like this in the marriage functions –
                                  It is better to stop at this stage .

                                • pooja

                                  i didnt want janhvi mother in her life after the marriage she is very boring and irritating. and also please bring aji in this serial again becoz she is very supportive to her family, and let janhvi and shree be very happy in there life

                                • pinky

                                  Let the serial continue with Shree and his family ( 6 mothers and Jaanvi) without too irratating charaters i.e. jaanvi’s mom and Jaanvis mama, just increasing the episodes and making it boring with these characters will loose viewers interest..:)))))))

                                • pinky

                                  Let Shree and Jaanu live a happy and peaceful couple life with their ( 6 mothers- yes ajji should be in the serial), let jannvi’s mother and mamma be out of her life and let the serial continue with happiness and cheerful day to Jaanvi and Shree after their marriage and let the Aai’s all be happy with both Shree and Jaanvi as earlier they were with Shree Aai Aaji should be strong and stop the corruption being done y Jannvis mother Aai which is stupidity.

                                • Anil

                                  The serial is so slow and predictably boring. Either Tejashree Pradhan or Shashank Ketkar or either of the characters engaged in apologizing each other .

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